HHCT supporter Sue attended the inaugural concert of HHCT’s ‘Music in Quiet Places‘ series on Friday evening October 2nd at St. Michael and All Angels, Ledbury, and here she reports back

Three different choirs from Hereford Cathedral School with vocal and instrumentalist soloists entertained a packed church (including the High Sheriff and the Mayors of Hereford and Ledbury) for nearly two hours with a great variety of music – as diverse as that from “Fiddler on the Roof” to “Hear my Prayer O Lord” by Purcell.

“If I were a Rich Man” by Jo Moore was delivered with such aplomb and acting ability, and the Junior Chamber Choir took everyone by surprise by singing their three songs without music, in harmony and even with some choreography, which was very engaging for the audience.

The Senior Chamber Choir with its parts for male voices provided a wonderful contrast to the girls only choir Cantabile (winner of Songs of Praise Choir of the Year 2015); both sang some a capella pieces and some accompanied works, sometimes with Laurence John at the piano, a senior pupil who also played part of an organ work by J. S. Bach.

Along with the Senior Piano Trio, the combination of light, amusing and traditional works with more tranquil pieces, ensured that everyone in the audience enjoyed the entire programme.

What is especially pleasing, of course, is that the money raised in the retiring collection is going towards the work of the Trust, which is so vital in enabling places of worship to be maintained and their services to be extended. If staging the concerts in different parts of the county encourages more people to visit our churches and fosters an interest in their architecture and survival, it will be well worthwhile.

Special thanks goes to HHCT Treasurer David Furnival who stepped up to the mark and delivered a rousing introductory speech along with words of heartfelt appreciation to all those involved. HHCT has also revealed that a percentage of the proceeds from the event will go to Ledbury church for the restoration of its famous spire and tower.

For information about forthcoming events in the ‘Music in Quiet Places‘ series, visit https://www.berkschurchestrust.org.uk/programme-of-concerts/ to view the programme. If you weren’t able to attend the performance in Ledbury church but would still like to make a donation, you can do so by clicking here.

‘Music in Quiet Places’ Launches With A Bang!
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