The Trust is supported entirely by voluntary subscriptions, donations and legacies, and the more money it receives, the more help it can give. Please support us either via the donation form here or by clicking on the ‘Donate’ link to our justgiving page.

Friends We welcome regular supporters of the Trust and by becoming a Friend of Berkshire Historic Churches Trust you are entitled to attend meetings, social events, the church crawl, lectures and tours, and receive a copy of the Annual Report. Individuals and businesses are encouraged to subscribe by standing order or direct debit, which allows the Trust to budget ahead. Current rates are £30 individual, £45 for two persons at the same address and £500 for life and the form is available here.

You will probably be aware that if you pay income tax the Trust will be able to reclaim the tax paid on any donation you make. So that we can do this please could you sign the Gift Aid Declaration and post it to the address on the form.

We really do appreciate the huge amount of support given by Friends and donors. Many thanks.